
Green Urban Sat

The objective of Green Urban Sat project is to develop, starting from satellite data, methods and tools able to generate a geospatial database of fine description of the vegetation, that is adapted to the evaluation of the ecosystem services, to produce a demonstrator on a conurbation, and to test the reproducibility on other areas.


Today, actors of territory arrangement face different challenges such as climate change adaptation, biodiversity preservation, energetic efficiency and sobriety, maintaining a comfortable and healthy living environment for the inhabitants. In highly urbanized zones, it is admitted that integration and preservation of nature-based solutions (NBS) constitute an essential lever to meet these stakes. These work, systems or natural areas are often characterized by a vegetal component and contribute to the resilience of cities, in terms of attenuating heat islands or rending pervious again the soil to limit floods (whose frequency will be radically increased at 2100 horizon).

The benefits that can be drawn from NBS are qualified as ecosystem services (ES) and are surveyed by the scientific community. It is admitted that the existing tools to evaluate those ES on a given area, with an integrated multi-criteria vision, are not mature enough for operational applications, in particular for small spatial units and for complex and heterogeneous environments such as urban areas. Green Urban Sat will endeavor to compensate for this shortcoming.

The project Des Hommes et Des Arbres (“Humans and Trees”) and Nature4Cities constitute the conceptual and thematic frame of Green Urban Sat.

ecosystem services in the city

© Cerema, translated by SCO

Green Urban Sat will produce a fine description of vegetation at conurbation scale. This description will provide a set of quantitative attributes and indicators that will allow to feed a group of decision aid tool indicators that are supported by ecosystem services : climate regulation, air quality regulation, contribution to ecologic continuities, socio-cultural benefits.

A classification of (peri-urban) vegetation shapes will be produced, as well as morphological and structural 2D and 3D indicators, suited to the vegetation typologies corresponding to the description of the settlement and configuration of different shapes of vegetation.

The indicators are built from multi-temporal and stereoscopic imagery from the Pléiades and Pléiades Neo satellites, and the associated 3D products. The methods will rely on data cubes exploited by artificial intelligence algorithms. The demonstrator produced on the area of « Grand Nancy » will be presented as a graphical user interface and will allow users to visualize and interact with the proposed indicators.

The partners of this project form a pluri-disciplinary team able to handle with all the tasks necessary to the achievement of the project. The skills include scientific aspects relative to urban remote sensing, nature-based solutions and ecosystem services knowledge, the capacity of producing and implementing methodologies based on imagery and industrialization of the process. The final users who have expressed the terrain need will be largely involved in the project.

Application site(s)

  • Nancy : main partner of experimentation
  • Strasbourg : area of replicability tests


Pléiades and Pléiades Neo images and associated 3D models


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